Ready, Set, Fail.

How to launch a new product - Reagan Pollack

Ready, Set, Fail.

Did you know that for the first time founder, a product launch represents the ultimate build-up moment to get everything just right.

But for the repeat founder, a product launch represents the first of many, many revisions to get it right.

Most launches produce lack-luster results. That’s just what to expect so temper your expectations for that million dollar launch.

☝🏼Your goal should be to learn 6 months worth of data and feedback from early users in the first 6 days.

Launch and learn like mad to get out all of the kinks. Then re launch! You heard me right. Pre launching helps you get the kinks out to a small number of users (under 500) and then you officially launch and you’ve eliminated the low hanging fruit of the problems and a few biggies.

Comment below and tell me about your experience whrn you launched your company or product! 👇🏽

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