Tag: design thinking

Design Thinking - Entrepreneurship - Reagan Pollack

Design Thinking in an Turbulent World

Between 2016 and 2018 I attended Stanford University for a series of continuing educational courses on entrepreneurship and design thinking. My goal was to sharpen the tools in my tool belt, meet some incredibly gifted and motivated classmates, and hopefully walk away with a clearer understanding of how to tackle today’s most pressing entrepreneurial challenges …

COVID as a Platform - Reagan Pollack

COVID-as-a-Platform: How COVID-19 Disrupts Behavior, Business Models and Builds the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs

Sterilize. Sanitize. Disinfect. Decontaminate. Wipe Down. Rinse Off. Repeat. Welcome to the Contam Culture – a new “normal” modus operandi if you will, we’ve been forced to accept in a pandemic induced world. As the weeks become months under the quarantined, sheltered, physically-distanced era, businesses and consumers have had to adapt to this radical shift …

The 4 Startup Bottlenecks - Reagan Pollack

The 4 Startup Bottlenecks (and how to break ’em)

Happy Monday everybody. 💡Here’s your Startup Tip of the Day: There are four (4) main areas of bottlenecks within any startup company: A. Operational B. Financial C. Social D. Intellectual 🤝Let’s Talk Social >> You’ve heard the expression, “you are the average of the five people you hang out most with”, right? ☝🏼Well, your startup’s …

Startup Tip of the Day - Good Idea - Founder - Entrepreneur - Reagan Pollack

Why Great Startups Win with Average Ideas

☝🏼What makes an idea a great business is often not the idea. You heard that right. While everyone’s out there hunting for the next Uber, Airbnb, Google or Alibaba, the real entrepreneurs are busy testing new concepts instead of dreaming, writing business plans, and overthinking the crap out of everything. Entrepreneur = Average Idea + …

Stories Sell. Features Don’t.

Happy Friday everyone! Today’s Startup Tip of the Day comes to you from my personal experience running my own startups over the past decade. 💡TIP OF THE DAY💡: STORIES SELL. FEATURES DON’T. There is a distinctive difference between a company that symbolizes something greater than the sum of their parts, and a company that just …

Founders Fumble - Reagan Pollack

The Founder’s Fumble

When I was 20, I launched my first Internet company out of my dorm room. The idea was simple – solve the pain for emerging, un-signed music artists struggling to get ahead in their careers in the music industry, by connecting them with record labels, managers, publishers, agents, venues and music studios on one platform. …

When your startup just won’t pivot. Hint: It ain’t your startup’s fault.

Most entrepreneurial dreams start out the same way — a kernel of an idea meets initial exploration of market need with a few conversations, followed by months of development, self-funding, promotion and ultimately stagnation. Why? Because we’re just too damn rigid to pivot. Why admit that our beautiful product, service or experience just hasn’t found …

The Future of Work, disrupted by Design Thinking

“We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It’s our job every day to make every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better.” ~ Jeff Bezos What exactly is a customer experience, and when does it start and end? If we take a moment to zoom out …